O dólar tem sido comercial misturado até hoje, líquida contra o euro, libras esterlinas e moedas do bloco de dólar, mas para baixo contra o iene, que superou como mercados hunkered para baixo à frente de Trumps Estado da União endereço hoje. Os mercados são. Leia mais X25B6 2017-02-28 12:15 UTC European Edition O dólar tem sido comercial misturado até hoje, líquido estável contra o euro e moedas do bloco de dólar, para baixo modestamente contra o iene e para cima moderadamente contra a libra ainda-underperforming. Os mercados são hunkered para baixo antes do estado dos trunfos do. Leia Mais X25B6 2017-02-28 08:14 UTC Edição asiática FX comércio foi bastante claro em N. Y. na terça-feira, como comerciantes hunkered para baixo à frente da noite SOTU endereço do presidente Trump. O dólar era na maior parte mais suave com a sessão da manhã, provavelmente como prospetos para todos os detalhes da política que saem do. Leia mais X25B6 2017-02-28 18:55 Gurus UTCDinar Lista Oficial Oficial de Possíveis Principais Dos Doses: Movido para Artigo VIII HCL passedimp. Temp 112014 acordado em espírito 12-2014 Erbil Acordo Impl. Lei de Eleições (DONE 122013) Capítulo 7 (Done. (Done 102014) Dinar Giu (parcial) CBI amp Preço de mercado dentro de 2-90 dias Dinar Gurus que sentem a lei de investimento (Votado 102015 Impresso 12016) Dinar Gurus Dinar vai FLUTUAR lentamente para cima em vez de RV. Acho que seus e-mails para ser fascinante eles estão cheios de vida e energia. Basta lê-los me dá um impulso. Paz e Bênçãos - E Dinar Guru Membro Está você na lista oficial de RV ALERT O dinar está se aquecendo. Não seja pego no exterior olhando para dentro. Clique no botão azul abaixo para entrar na lista de alertas oficiais do Dinar RV. É GRÁTIS e você recebe Alertas Oficial RV, as últimas atualizações quebrando, vídeos especiais e outras coisas divertidas de mim também 2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Eu só lhe dei 10 razões POR QUE o Iraque é internacional. Não contando eDinars. Aqui está 11: 11 ndash greve aérea internacional na Sérvia. O Iraque fez um ataque aéreo através de suas fronteiras. E permitimos que Baghdadi esteja correndo. Onde há apenas um lugar. Síria. O Iraque queria bombardear Baghdadi na Síria. ISTO É PESSOAL para IRAQUE Para golpear Baghdadi fora de suas fronteiras é ENORME. 11 itens do porquê o Iraque vai ser internacional. IMO. Logo sua moeda vai crescer para se tornar internacional. O lado militar não é apenas pronto para lhe dizer que eles são feitos ainda. IMO. Eles estão próximos porque Abadi está dizendo para o mundo internacional para entrar. Postado em 2 de 2 10-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 10 coisas que provam que o Iraque está pisando terreno INTERNACIONAL: 1 ndash IBAN. Cada banco tem números IBAN ndash lhes permite transferir dinheiro inout 2 ndash Códigos SWIFT. Esses números. Parte do mundo internacional 3 ndash MASTERCARD. (E Visa). Eles estão por toda parte no Iraque 4 ndash CAPÍTULO VII. IMO. É 90 ido. Os outros 10 é o VD da sua moeda. 5 ndash NENHUMA VELOCIDADE DO PROGRAMA no CBI SPREADSHEET. Por cerca de 2 meses agora 6 ndash Leilões estão controlando MCPrsquos hellip 7 ndash IRAQI STOCK EXCHANGE. Mantém proclamando que eles estão indo internacional 8 ndash OMC lhes pediu para se juntar. Feitiços internacionais 9 ndash WAKRA. Está finalmente alcançando. (Website finalmente atualizando) 10 ndash BONDS. Internacionais. Dois deles post 1 de 2. fique atento 2-28-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Tomou ISF quatro dias para chegar do aeroporto para a ponte, assim que o progresso tem abrandado definitivamente desde que se mudou para a cidade a partir do deserto. Mas ISF ainda está avançando e cada pedaço de imóveis que pegar torna mais difícil para IS defender West Mosul. Eu vou revisar minha previsão para a libertação de Mosul a 21 de março a partir de 31 de março. Veja abaixo para os mapas anteriores de Thomas van Lingerlm em 2-25-2017 2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Outra coisa importante. O Dr. Shabibi saiu e condenou Maliki. E você começará a ver MESMO MAIS Isso vai ajudar com a reforma monetária. Ajuda com o fluxo de lava. Veja mais sobre o Dr. Shabibi e Maliki. No final, o Dr. Shabibi fará um discurso para você. A segurança está vindo em muitas maneiras. Nós (EUA) estamos plantando uma presença tão profunda Nós dissemos. Alguns artigos saíam. Sobre o novo dinar iraquiano sendo usado no país. E eles estão vindo. Pós 2 de 2 2-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26. ESTA SEXTA. Creio que poderia ser um bom momento para a libertação de Mosul. Uma vez que tenhamos Mosul. Isso significa que temos o RV No. este é um processo de fluxo de lava. O que Mosul lhe dá SEGURANÇA e ESTABILIDADE. IMO. Mosul está prestes a ser anunciado ao mundo. O Iraque precisa de investidores internacionais. E eu acredito que é a grande campanha agora por Abadi. Venha e invista em nosso país Este aeroporto. Uma vez capturado. IMO. Ele abriu a porta. Você sabia que estamos construindo 7 bases no Iraque NÓS AINrsquoT ir em qualquer lugar. E o MUNDO INTERNACIONAL CONHECE-O borne 1 de 2. fique atento Get apanhado em atualizações de noites passadas abaixo e se você não for uma lista de alerta de dinarguru ainda agora é um grande momento para fazê-lo. Sua livre como sempre e só leva um segundo segundo. Se você investiu no dinar e passar o tempo no site que você não quer perder algo muito importante porque você não está na lista. Clique aqui para entrar na lista agora. 2-27-2017 Newshound Guru BGG Acabei de ouvir na Fox notícias que alguém sentiu que poderia levar um ano para obter gelo está fora de Mozel. Eles estão HAMMERING AWAY nesses caras agora. Isso não vai levar um ano. Ele não vai ter um fato meshellipin, ao longo dos últimos dias, apesar de luta pesada, existem mapas mostrando os regulares iraquianos segurando quase 20 da última metade de Mosul. Iraque está batendo ISIS na Síria ndash corte de rotas de fuga. Esta é uma ldquoTURKEY SHOOTrdquo prestes a acontecer. 2-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: camada comercial parasita Eu corro os americanos no Iraque eo saldo do banco continua a declinar Citação:. O valor atual do dinar iraquiano não é um valor real, mas um valor para a estabilidade ea alternativa é uma reserva monetária, porque o governo não pode dar ao luxo de flutuar a moeda politicamente. OMI, eles não estariam falando sobre isso, se não fosse o plano. Logo podemos esperar que o flutuador vai começar. 2-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Na televisão iraquiana esta manhã, eles foram informados que a bolsa de valores vai internacional em março, sem atrasos. Essa é a boa notícia do Iraque, para aqueles que acreditam que nada acontecerá até que as coisas aconteçam no Iraque. Mosul está praticamente no saco como é importante que vai ficar claro. Irsquom ainda em lsquoany minuto, qualquer hourrsquo, e eu sei que havia um desejo de fazer isso até o final do mês. estamos perto. S lowly mas certamente, itrsquos vindo. Este RV é como água corrente, e itrsquos difícil de parar de correr água uma vez itrsquos começou a fluir. Então esperamos para ver o que acontece a seguir. Pós 2 de 2 2-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 A luta foi transferida para a Síria, com Abadi ordenando ataques da força aérea. Mosul parece não ser mais um problema, a menos que eles estejam fazendo os dois ao mesmo tempo. Além disso, o Iraque está dizendo Mosul é lsquosteps longe de freedomrsquo completa. Supostamente um novo plano para derrotar ISIL deve ser revelado hoje. Western Mosul tem sido recuperado, com edifícios do governo, etc Isso diz algo para nós ndash grandes grupos de ISIL estão rendendo. Também o Iraque ofereceu seu primeiro laço internacional aos mercados. Os agricultores são supostamente para receber seu pagamento de volta hoje, e também fingerprinting para cartões Visa internacionais. Disseram-nos que este é para ser a nova taxa. Com os novos cartões, a moeda é certamente internacional. O Ministério do Comércio realizou uma conferência na semana passada que a política comercial e reforma econômica com ampla participação ea presença de especialistas na economia. Qual é a sua opinião sobre isso. Citação:. O valor atual do dinar iraquiano não é um valor real, mas um valor para a estabilidade ea alternativa é uma reserva monetária, porque o governo não pode dar ao luxo de flutuar a moeda politicamente. Eu acho que quando ele diz que o governo não pode dar ao luxo de flutuar a moeda politicamente eles estão certos. Politicamente aqui não é ministro das Finanças eo governador CBI é um Bozo, que é alguma instabilidade grave se você me perguntar. Todos nós sabemos que o dinar está subestimado e as reservas estão baixas porque o Iraque está agora se formando na classe Economics 101. Eles estão fazendo grandes progressos com o sistema eletrônico que é muito encorajador. Sem esse pedaço do quebra-cabeça teríamos pouca esperança Eles precisam de liquidez mal ea única maneira que eles estão indo para obter o dinheiro dos povos é fazer esses depósitos segurados. Isso é o que eu estou procurando próximo 2-27-2017 Newshound Guru loop AMOR A DILIGÊNCIA DEVIDO QUE OS BANCOS E GOI ESTÃO FAZENDO MOSTRA UM COMPROMISSO REAL, POR SUA PARTE, PARA PARAR A CORRUPÇÃO UMA VEZ E PARA TODOS. Eles ainda têm muito trabalho a fazer nesta frente. UMA COISA TORNOU-SE APARENTE A ALGUÉM QUE LÊ AS NOTÍCIAS. Eles são feitos permitindo a sua riqueza para ser roubado por CROOKS. ESTE CORPO MUITO BEM PARA OS CIDADÃOS IRAQUES E EU ESTE É EXATAMENTE O QUE O FMI PRECISA VÊ-LOS FAZENDO 2-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: Banco Central Governador: Nós apoiamos pesquisadores e especialistas Citação:. A força do papel do sector bancário baseia-se em grande medida na força da economia e na estabilidade e diversidade e no seu papel no apoio e estimulação do sector privado como base fundamental para a economia eo crescimento. Sem segredos ou atalhos. Embora não seja o que a maioria quer ouvir, é o que queremos ouvir. Simplesmente porque como a economia cresce assim que o dinar. Balassa-Samuelson efeito. 2-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Nós lhe diremos que o foco mudou de apenas o Iraque Safety amp Segurança, compensação, liberação - e incluindo um foco REGIONAL de Safety amp Segurança, que agora é centrada também na Síria e outros. Mencionamos essa possibilidade sobre o status da Síria e do Iraque como sendo igualmente importantes e relacionadas. E nós falamos sobre um Trigger recentemente também. Teriam que ver para onde isso vai, nos próximos dias. Há uma estratégia, isso é claro escondido, e isso definitivamente envolve, a economia e os movimentos de moeda do Iraque e outros. Não coloque muito estoque nesta coisa Bond, introduzido neste fim de semana. Para sua informação. Espera na Expectativa Positiva, e assista The STORM para agora. É lindo. O que é REAL, é que weve colocar TODAS AS DATAS DE TIMELINES amp fora da mesa agora. SEU UM JOGO DE BOLA NOVO, AMIGOS. Theres muito MAIS PARA VIR, antes que qualquer movimento significativo dos movimentos seja desobstruído. TODOS na nossa Opinião. Post 2 de 2 2-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Esta é verdadeiramente, A TEMPESTADE PERFEITA, e estavam no quadrado direito no meio dela. Estávamos esperando para mais para compartilhar hoje, que foi significativamente significativo amp Clear, mas não foi o caso. Então, estavam no modo STANDBY. E espero que nesta próxima quinta-feira, 2 de março, as coisas vão se esclarecer e se tornarem mais solidamente conhecidas. 8203Não estou dizendo que as coisas estão acontecendo Mais cedo e não estavam dizendo que as coisas estão acontecendo Mais tarde. Nós realmente não sabemos neste momento, porque as coisas têm mudado tanto durante os últimos 2 dias. E se o fizéssemos, transmita essas coisas para você. Sua verdadeiramente uma tempestade muito maciça e generalizada. Com aumento de ILUSÃO. Mas uma coisas com certeza. Seu POSITIVAMENTE MOVIMENTO PARA A FRENTE. Tudo da vida é sobre o tempo. Post 1 of 2. Fique ligado 2-27-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Bolsa de Valores do Iraque está ansioso para novas leis para operar localmente e globalmente lançado Bolsa de Valores do Iraque está ansioso para novas leis para operar localmente e lançado globalmente Holy amp Eu apenas Leia esse direito Há uma razão que eles estão falando sobre isso agora. Parece que isso está prestes a acontecer. 2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop Artigo: Rasheed desenvolver um plano para abrir filiais nas áreas liberadas Bancos O que chamou a minha atenção neste artigo foi que eles estão em começar a falar sobre a abertura e lançamento de serviços avançados modernos amplos nas áreas liberadas . Isto diz uma coisa para mim. Eles sentem que há suficiente SABILIDADE e SEGURANÇA nas áreas liberadas para avançar com operações bancárias normalizadas. O que significa que eles devem sentir que há pouca ou nenhuma ameaça de que os fundos dos bancos cairão nas mãos de Daesh. 2-26-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc Artigo: Rafidain Banco direciona seus ramos atualizar dados antes de aposentar salários PARECE LOGICAL PARA VALIDAR OS RETIROS ESPECIALMENTE QUANDO VOCÊ ESPECIALMENTE PERTO DE FAZER DESEMBOLSOS EM UMA GRANDE ESCALA. 2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop Artigo: Iraque se queixa Ministério das Finanças falta de cooperação com o corpo de aposentadoria: pensionistas descontentes de procedimentos Citação: Rafidain Bank foi forçado a trocar por vários meses, apesar do sofrimento experimentado pelo banco, devido À falta de liquidez. Devido à falta de liquidez. Eu sei o que iria corrigir a questão. AUMENTAR O PODER DE COMPRA DO DINAR 2-26-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Artigo: Abadi Votal discutir a batalha de Mosul e apoio internacional para o Iraque. .. jihadistas estrangeiros que saem para a Síria, supostamente em ordens Baghdadis. Esta operação está quase terminada, pessoal. IS está sendo rebaixado de volta para a equipe de JV. 2-26-2017 Newshound Guru mike Artigo: Abadi Votal discutir a batalha de Mosul e apoio internacional para o Iraque Para dizer que estou surpreso é um eufemismo, theyve sido lutar contra esses caras durante anos. Permite que eles mantenham o ritmo e libertem toda a cidade. 2-26-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc Artigo: Irans Parlamento aprova emissão de títulos para projetos de petróleo ESTE PARECE CONSISTENTE COM OUTROS ARTIGOS QUE IRÃO terá uma nova taxa e será um único sistema de pagamento que é DIGITAL APÓS 20 de março. VENDER OBRIGAÇÕES APÓS O NOVO ANO FISCAL PARA ELES FAZ SENTIDO. O QUE EU GOSTO MESMO MELHOR É QUE UM DÓLAR DIGITAL E DINAR MAIS PROVÁVEL QUE AJUDA A TRASEIRO QUE O NOVO DÓLAR ARRIVARÁ ANTES. LEMBRE-SE QUE O DÓLAR É A REFERÊNCIA GLOBAL DE VALOR POR ISSO, DEVE MOSTRAR PRIMEIRAMENTE OU AO MESMO TEMPO QUE NOSSO DINAR AMADO 2-26-2017 Newshound Guru loop Os iraquianos continuam a nos mostrar diariamente que eles são muito sérios sobre a reforma de cada nível de sua Governo para proporcionar um futuro melhor para o seu povo. A corrupção está sendo tratada como eles encontram. Ainda há muito trabalho a ser feito nesta frente. Mas a velocidade com que eles estão enfrentando é espetacular. IMO. A batalha para libertar a costa direita está progredindo muito bem. O blitz de mídia em curso em Maliki é muito revelador. Seu tempo está chegando e terminando. Ele está prestes a colher o que semeou. IMO. Munique foi um catalisador definitivo para o movimento recente sobre ele. IMO. Sua mostra o quão perto estamos chegando a perceber os frutos do nosso trabalho. O diálogo continuado nos meios de comunicação sobre a reconciliação nacional mostra quão sério eles são sobre ele. Seu não sobre até que a mulher iraquiana gorda cante, mas eu tenho um sentimento que está a ponto de cantar para fora um heck de uma canção 2-25-2017 Intel Guru Delta Não sei se relevante DEAL-Iraqs primeira internacional, ligação soberana NÃO APENAS RELEVANTES . MAS VERMELHO IRAQUE EMITIU SEU PRIMEIRO BOND INTERNACIONAL SOBERANOS. FOI EMITIDO EM 022417. Havia contingência para isso. Eles decidiram . SIM. É PORQUE SEU ENORME. WARKA TOTAL BLOQUEADO HOJE. 2-25-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Muitas coisas estão mudando rapidamente, e BIGLY, amigos. Como ou agora, TODOS NOSSOS TEMPOS, anteriormente mencionados, não são mais aplicáveis. Vamos atualizá-lo amanhã, depois que tudo estiver pronto. Quanto à direita agora, não vemos nada significativamente acontecendo com as taxas, hoje à noite ou amanhã. Bem, pegue mais detalhes, amanhã. Theres sido grande HIDDEN superfície de informação. Dica: Agora, o Iraque enviando ataques aéreos para a Síria para garantir a fronteira. IOO. 2-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Ele relatou que a base militar no oeste de Mosul foi reivindicada hoje por tropas iraquianas. Os edifícios do governo sendo a próxima vitória, estão em curta distância. Grandes grupos de Ísis estão se rendendo. O Iraque emitiu seu primeiro título soberano vendido internacionalmente nos mercados de capitais internacionais 2-25-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc O FIM DA ESTRADA DE TIJOLO AMARELO ESTÁ À VISTA. NOSSA JORNADA LONGA E DIFÍCIL ESTÁ VINDO AO SEU FIM. RECENTEMENTE, VEMOS IRÁ IRÁ ADMITAR UMA DESCOBERTA MUITO GRANDE DE OURO PRETO NO SUL DO IRAQUE. IRÃO FEZ A MESMA COISA APENAS UM PAR DE SEMANAS AGO. Ao adicionar esses novos ativos ao seu crédito com o FMI, eles provavelmente serão capazes de manter um valor de moedas muito maior do que anteriormente pensado. NO CASO DO IRAQUE, EU ACREDITO QUE A ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE TRUMPIA GOSTARIA UM VALOR DE MOEDA SUPERIOR PARA O IRAK PARA QUE OS EUA POSSAM ATINGIR UM ORÇAMENTO EQUILIBRADO. O VALOR ESTÁ PRÓXIMO PARA MUDAR, E VOCÊS MEUS AMIGOS, PODERAM SER PARTE DA HISTÓRIA. ISNrsquoT É AGRADÁVEL ESTAR DO LADO DIREITO DO VALOR EQUAÇÃO ESTAMOS QUASE À ESMERALDA CIDADE AGORA E ITrsquoS TEMPO DE VER OZ. NÓS PUXAREMOS A CORTINA EM MARÇO. 2-25-2017 Newshound Guru Revbo Parece estar indo significativamente melhor do que o esperado até agora. Este sujeito Thomas van Lingerlm tem um mapa ver abaixo que ele atualiza regularmente como as coisas mudam, e as áreas controladas pelo ISF de Mosul Ocidental têm sido rapidamente rastejando para o norte. Eles chegaram ao aeroporto e à base ao lado dele ontem, e eles já estão fazendo incursões sérias na cidade. Das estimativas que eu ouvi uma semana há, este tipo do progresso não era esperado para bem sobre um mês. Não é ruim, hein Na semana passada, todo mundo estava prevendo que essa operação levaria seis meses. Veja mapas abaixo 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Artigo: Twilight News agency Padrão amp Poor s rating de crédito. A classificação do Iraque foi confirmada em B-B com uma perspectiva estável. Bem, podemos ver o lado negativo para isso. O B-. Ou podemos nos concentrar no que vemos como positivo. Que sua disciplina fiscal melhorou e acredita-se que permanecerá estável para os próximos anos. Ou pelo menos por alguns dias. Até que Deus exploda uma bênção em todo o Iraque. Oh como rapidamente as coisas podem mudar. Muito rapidamente. IMO. Citação: O Comitê sugeriu que o governo, se o preço por barril subiu para acima de 45, ir fundos excedentes para o banco central para Aumentar a reserva de caixa, ou o reembolso da dívida externa. Eu encontrei o. artigo. Referenciado acima para ser interessante. Ele diz que em 45 por barril o Iraque estaria em uma posição excedentária. De acordo com a NASDAQ, o preço atual do petróleo é de 54 por barril. Isso significa que o Iraque aparentemente curou seus problemas de déficit orçamentário, pelo menos de acordo com o FMI. É também por esta razão que o FMI pode postular que as reservas no Iraque vão aumentar significativamente nos próximos 2 ou 3 anos para 91 bilhões. Dito isto, eu sinto que o FMI em fazer estas declarações está bastante confiante de que as coisas estão se movendo na direção certa para que eles iniciem o flutuador este ano. 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: Abadi Votal discutir a batalha de Mosul e apoio internacional para o Iraque Eu não espero que a CBI para virar um interruptor no dia após a liberalização de Mosul. Vai levar algum tempo para estabilizar a área e começar a limpeza, devolver os cidadãos às suas casas, etc Então, poderíamos estar esperando alguns meses depois de antes da CBI decide iniciar a reforma monetária. Especialmente com a propagação ainda não perto de 2. 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Artigo: Depois de Mosul: Certezas e Incertezas. A posição dos EUA no Iraque pós DAASH está se tornando mais clara até o dia IMO. Mantenha a paz entre as várias facções políticas. Construir essas bases e pessoal para chutar mais alguns DAASH bunda na vizinha Síria. E não perder de vista que GIGANTIC piscina de óleo. Nós não podemos possuí-lo. Mas queremos primeiro dibs para ele. Além disso, o Iraque tem de sair do cenário mundial pela primeira vez. Sendo aqueles que conseguem apresentá-la ao mundo. Oh amigo Bons tempos estão chegando. Porque. O MELHOR está chegando. Im que olha ao domingo talvez em segunda-feira para ser completamente interessante. 2-24-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Meu entendimento é que o Presidente Trump está realmente fazendo tudo que está em seu poder, o que é substancial, como sabemos para mover essa coisa e fazê-la agora. Nós ouvimos há 3 dias agora, na verdade, que os bancos em Mosul estavam em funcionamento. Acredito que o aeroporto de Mosul esteja funcionando agora. Eu não sei quanto trabalho a cidade precisa em termos de infra-estrutura. Eu acredito que ele precisa de um lote inteiro. Pelo menos no dia-a-dia as operações do que eu entendo estão de volta no lugar. Houve alguns anúncios pouco no principal fluxo notícias aqui sobre a restauração de Mosul que está sendo retirado que é muito positivo. Acabei de receber uma chamada. Que aproximadamente às 9pm EST quinta-feira. Que o Iraque começou sua reforma monetária em seu site da CBI. Então o que eles estão fazendo agora em tentar atualizar e possivelmente colocar novas taxas espero que essencialmente é o gatilho para. O RV para o dinar. Parece que o Iraque começou seu processo de reforma econômica monetária através do site da CBI. Estou animado. Acho que é um bom sinal. Estamos em muito boa forma para isso para rolar para fora. 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: O Iraque aderiu à Convenção sobre a transparência da arbitragem entre investidores e estados Citação: Este acordo é uma mensagem importante e claro para o mundo que o Iraque é um importante centro no Oriente Médio para o investimento e Reconstrução e construção, observando que este acordo adotado pelas Nações Unidas para salvar os direitos de forma transparente em caso de conflito entre investidores e estados. A resolução de disputas é crítica. Um bom sinal. 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru loop Artigo: petróleo Parlamentar sugerem a presença de 300 bilhões de barris de desconhecido Citação: .. .. disse o óleo profanity por Mehdi al-Hafez, terça-feira, que há um plano de ação começará a explorar mais Mais de 300 bilhões de barris de petróleo, o Iraque acrescentou à reserva. Se Hafiz estiver correto, o Iraque terá as maiores reservas do mundo. O que sabemos com certeza é que eles apenas adicionam 10 bilhões às suas reservas na semana passada. O Iraque é atualmente o 5º lugar do mundo no que diz respeito às reservas de petróleo. Muito do seu país ainda não foi explorado para o petróleo. Eu ficaria surpreso se eles não encontrarem muito mais. 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Tenha em mente, existem várias coisas que poderiam afetar as reservas. Os preços do petróleo poderiam disparar para 100, eles poderiam oficialmente sair do capítulo 7 da ONU e obter alguns fundos que estão sendo mantidos em liberdade, etc Mas parece que o FMI tem um plano com a CBI. Todos nós temos visto os esforços dos últimos 12 meses para melhorar o sistema bancário. Assim, apesar destas possibilidades, acredito que a razão está mais em linha com a melhoria da economia do Iraque, colocando as pessoas ao trabalho, reconstruindo pós ISIL e abrindo o sistema bancário ao mundo para o investimento. Pelo menos podemos esperar de qualquer maneira. Post 2 of 2 2-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: O FMI confirma a estabilidade das reservas do Iraque de moeda forte Citação: o FMI disse em seu estudo, que as reservas do Iraque chegará em 2018 para 62 bilhões. E depois subir para 91 bilhões em 2020, devido à melhoria das condições da economia iraquiana e as exportações de petróleo e seus derivados ea suficiência de eletricidade importada para algumas províncias e exportação de gás e promoção do turismo, indústria e todos os recursos econômicos bode bem eu acho que o importante Coisa aqui é que algo bastante substancial deve ocorrer este ano para esta previsão para ser verdade. Como todos nós devemos saber agora, o petróleo iraquiano não é suficiente aos preços atuais para aumentar as reservas porque gastam mais do que eles fazem. Então espero que eles transitem para uma economia de mercado este ano, a fim de melhorar as reservas em 50 bilhões nos próximos dois anos ou assim. Post 1 of 2. Fique atento 2-24-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 O FMI doesnrsquot quer que flutuem. Mas IMO. Eu acho que eles vão flutuar. Há uma compressão de muita coisa acontecendo como a senhora gorda fica fora do caminho para mostrar a libertação de Mosul. Uma vez que você tem Mosul. Veja o motivo das negociações. Que você wouldnrsquot ver acontecendo com uma taxa de programa. Os OFERTOS são transversais. Criando equidade no comércio e nas moedas. Isto é MUITO histórico. Eu gosto de como Abadi disse a todos na reunião na Alemanha. Ldquowersquore aberto para negócios. Venha inrdquo Alemanha disse a Abadi. Ldquookrdquo. E eles fizeram. rapidamente. Abadi recebeu hoje uma delegação alemã. Merkel diz que eles estão lá para ajudar com as reformas econômicas. Não demoraram muito para aparecerem. Nenhum país está neste para uma taxa de programa de 1186 2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Artigo: Ayman libertação total das operações de Mosul dentro de 72 horas Parecemos estar sob um relógio de tempo não nós família. 72 horas contagem regressiva e tique-taque. E nós poderíamos ser sobre feito com Mosul para encontrar esperançosamente a satisfação do presidente Trumps. Podemos ver uma forte evidência de reforma monetária em breve. Que se inclina em uma taxa sexy. O MELHOR está chegando. Tick tock vai o relógio de contagem regressiva. Mosul. Mosul se aproxima. Então, quando esse relógio começou a marcar. No dia 21 algum tempo. Rezar por um fim de semana selvagem..um de grande celebração que Mosul está finalmente de volta nas mãos dos bons. 2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Outros países têm HCLs. Há alguma coisa para comparar este processo. Uma HCL por qualquer outro nome ainda é uma Lei do Petróleo. Contudo. O Iraque é o único país que, a meu conhecimento, tem tanta importância na aprovação de tal lei. 2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artigo: Abadi condenando al-Maliki na queda de Mosul Ele queria ser primeiro-ministro, o tempo que ele assumir a responsabilidade por suas ações ou falta de lá. 2-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Dr. Shabibihellipanything para dizer Dr. Shabibi veio outhellipand disse que Maliki parou tudo. Abadi perguntou porquê? Por que Maliki desistiu de Mosulrdquo Por que ele removeu 3 unidades de proteção Por que Maliki Obviamente ele estava em piada com ISIS. Eles estão agora pedindo alta-traição no Iraque e TEMPO INTERNACIONAL DOS TRIBUNAIS É O TEMPO DE PAGAR MALIKI PARA SEUS CRIMES. Nós dissemos que haveria outro discurso do Dr. ShabibihellipJUST ANTES que eles estivessem prontos. TA-DA-FREAKINrsquo-DA. O MR willhellipIMOhellipwill flor após Mosul é anunciado. Uma vez que Mosul seja liberado, eles libertarão o IQD da taxa do programa. Post 2 of 2 2-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 A razão pela qual nós donrsquot ver a taxa de câmbio do IQD lançado ainda. Porque há um monte de ofertas sendo feitas. IMOhellip (cerca de 2 semanas atrás) Hellipwe têm o suficiente de Mosul para ter o VR da moeda do Iraque agora. Que foi o meu OPINIONhellipbut aparentemente não é opinião do presidente Trumprsquos. Ele quer extinguir o ISIS. Thatrsquos por que muitos DEALShellipIMOhellipare sendo bornhellipcombination de remover ISIShellipldquogive me Mosulrdquo e yoursquoll ver o MR. Wersquove ficou com 30 artigos agora. Evidência do que eles vão fazer. Itrsquos não que queremos totalmente segurança, removendo todos os ISIS. Enquanto isso está acontecendo, Trump está fazendo um monte de negócios com Abadi. IMOhellipIraq está sendo usado como LEVERAGE para fazer um monte de promoções ao redor do mundo. Tem Abadi visto Trump ainda Nohellipnot até Abadi é feito com isso e que butipbut Trump tem Abadirsquos volta post 1 de 2. fique atento 2-23-2017 Newshound Guru loop Sua opinião é que 0,83333 centavos para o dólar seria mais manejável. Assim, a taxa de câmbio seria de 1,83 1,20. 1 dividido por 0,83. Em USD Isto é onde eles sentem que podem defender (apoiar) a taxa baseada em sua capacidade econômica atual. Isso vai aumentar ao longo do tempo tem economia cresce. Lembre-se que esta é uma opinião pessoas. O que é tão encorajador é que isso realmente mostra que a expectativa é um acentuado aumento de valor, o que é muito positivo para este investimento. White Guru wmawhite fez um excelente ponto. Sobre eles não ter muito a exportar, à excepção do óleo que é. O preço do petróleo é fixado nos mercados mundiais e é negociado em dólares de petróleo, de modo que o petróleo não seria afetado pelo aumento do valor do dinar. Para o resto, o GI pode sempre fazer o que fazemos nos EUA. O que estou a referir é subsidiar as exportações para baixar o preço. Isso garante que as indústrias florescem, mantendo os custos das exportações baixas. Desde mais de quatro anos e funcionários no Iraque estão falando sobre um projeto de reforma monetária em que a aumentar a taxa de câmbio do Iraque contra o dólar para que o novo dinar é igual a 1,2 Dinares para o dólar em vez de 1200. Mas o movimento foi adiado para uma data posterior devido à saída de algumas áreas iraquianas sob controle do governo após a ocupação de laquoDaeshraquo ela. Em seguida, as operações militares começaram a recuperar essas áreas que ainda existem. Espera-se que o governo volte ao próprio projeto após o término das operações militares. O preço do dinar iraquiano ex (US 3,2) foi exagerado e continuará a ser superestimado se tiver que voltar a ele no futuro. Vai tornar as importações mais baratas, mas dificulta a melhoria da produção e capacidade de exportação do Iraque, pode ser o preço de 1,2 dinares para o dólar ou dinar contra o dólar é um bom preço. Assim, este economista está dizendo que, embora 3,2 dólares por dinar (Old rate) tornaria as importações muito mais baratas, isso faria com que as exportações fossem caras. Post 1 of 2. Fique ligado 2-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana. Pode o Iraque continuar enquanto quiser sem RVing. Eles poderiam ir para sempre sem reavaliar sua moeda, claro. Mas eu não acho que eles vão. Estamos realmente indo para aquela linha de chegada esquiva. 2-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Você realmente acha que troca wersquoll este mês Todayrsquos 22 de fevereiro, e este mês termina na próxima terça-feira. Sim, eu acredito que vamos trocar este mês, com base no que eu tenho compartilhado com você e coisas que eu não compartilhei com você, nenhuma razão para pensar o contrário. Eu ainda olho para 3.71 para ser a taxa internacional ou por aí. Estamos na fase de espera. Tudo parece bem. Isso poderia pop a qualquer momento, e todas as informações técnicas que veio para nós está dizendo lsquogreen luz ndash gorsquo, logo que este é lançado. Post 2 of 2 2-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Tudo está quieto, talvez um pouco demasiado quieto. Tivemos pessoas no Iraque enviando Intel que o dólar foi proibido esperávamos que, e bom ouvi-lo confirmado. Artigos vieram sobre isso também. A maioria de nós sabe o que isso significa, como uma das condições favoráveis para o Iraque ser soberano, com uma moeda que seja competitiva para com os seus vizinhos. Há também rumores sobre Maliki sendo levado à justiça, e relatórios de Rafidain Bank está agora a preparar os seus clientes a aceitar depósitos em dinar apenas, não mais em dólares ndash em todo o país. Pelo menos, que é o plano de jogo, para proibir o dólar dos EUA em todas as províncias. Post 1 of 2. fique atento 2-22-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Nos últimos dias, você viu a tempestade pegar velocidade. Surpresa visita ao Iraque pelo general Mattis, toneladas de tropas extras no IraqueMosul no domingo. VP Pence reuniu-se com Abadi, Merkel da Alemanha enviando enviado para ajudar com Reforma Monetária do Iraque (o que) Reforma Monetária. E esta semana, youve ouvido todos os tipos de notícias sobre as taxas de Dinar amp as taxas de dólar. Mudando. Mantenha seus dedos cruzados. Seu somente fevereiro 22nd, 2 dias na tempestade. Por enquanto, tudo bem. 2-22-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL ATRÁS DA CENA AÇÃO ESTÁ COMEÇANDO. AINDA ANTICIPANDO ESTA SEMANA. NOVIDADES QUE NÃO POSSO USAR É MUITO POSITIVA. A imagem permanece brilhante. 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana A questão, então, é ldquo Quando o Dinar Moeda do Iraque Revalue rdquo Este investimento não é uma farsa, mas você deve estar preparado para esperar que as coisas aconteçam. Pode revaluar, ou ldquoreinstaterdquo, para um nível anterior, o que tornaria muitos de nós ricos overnighthellip ou ele pode crescer lentamente, ao longo do tempo, dando um bom retorno sobre um investimento que muitos de nós foram inteligentes o suficiente para fazer. One thing I do know, for a facthellip the Iraqi Dinar will not stay at its current value forever. post 3 of 3 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Here are a couple of very real facts: Iraq has a majority of the worldrsquos natural reserves and crude oil, putting it on the same level as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. If you know anything at all about Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, you should know that their currency is very valuable and their natural resources are the reason. So, why isnrsquot Iraq as rich as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait That answer is simple ndash they only recently established a stable government, elections are now being held successfully, and the march towards financial recovery is progressing steadily. Crime and terrorism is lower and lower all the time And just as importantly ndash the Iraqi people are unjustly impoverished as a result of the recent chaos, and they cannot remain in that situation for much longer ndash not when they control a major amount of the worldrsquos ldquoblack goldrdquo. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana This is the question Ive been seeing a lot lately: Is it a scam In a word - NO. The Iraqi Dinar is an item that has a past, present, and future value . We can put a dollar amount on that value for the past and the present, so the only real question is what the future value will be. If the value raises, you can profit. Its THAT simple. Keep this in mind when you read anything on the dinar - a savvy speculator must always be able to separate fact, opinion, and distractions. Here are some facts that will help you with this question of whether or not the Iraqi Dinar is a scam. The Iraqi Dinar Currency that is used today in Iraq is arguably one of the most sophisticated currencies in the world. The technology that makes it almost impossible to effectively produce usable counterfeit dinar currency is amazing. . what about the investment itself Is investing in the dinar currency a scam The simplest concept you need to understand when talking about the Dinar Currency is that nobody is going to be able to tell you exactly when it will revalue. But does that mean the Iraqi Dinar Currency hype is a scam Absolutely not post 1 of 3. stay tuned 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: German loan gate to move the labor market Quote: . approaching global economic blocs in Iraq stems from its importance on the world stage and this important global effort perceived by the evolving under international indicators that put Iraq in the lead among the ten richest countries in the world. . how can Iraq be placed center stage. on TOP of the world as the richest of the richest 10 countries in the world. how would that be possible. not just in the TOP 10. but at the top of the heap. you know what they have to do. Abadi has been told what he has to do. make it happen 1. the BEST is coming. big time BEST. can 3.22 make that happen 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Funding Facility for Economic Reform established to invigorate IraqAcircs reform initiatives Quote: . UNDP will support the Government of Iraq to address key economic challenges and invigorate the reform agenda. Diversifying the economy, increasing national income, and improving the management of national assets will be of specific focus. Very good article. It appears the UN is helping Iraq push these needed reforms forward. 2-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I believe the Forex will not show a rate change of these currencies until the 28th of February or the 1st of March. . we do understand Iraq has moved along very nicely. We understand they have the new smart cards, Qi cards. Their cards have been charged with their new rates. . we are looking forward for good news with Iraq about the liberation of Mosul. We might have that in the form of an announcement here. We know that the banks in Iraq are open. even in Mosul the banks are open since 10am yesterday Iraqi time. The timing of this is very close in terms of what I am hearing. What we need is some good news come out of Iraq. 2-22-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc Article: . Treasury Spokesperson of Secretary Mnuchinrsquos Call with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde Quote: Secretary Mnuchin also underscored his expectation that the IMF provide frank and candid analysis of the exchange rate policies of IMF member countries. I THINK ITS VERY INTERESTING TO SEE MUNCHKIN MAN (AS I AFFECTIONATELY CALL HIM WITH ALL DUE RESPECT OF COURSE) MEET TODAY (Tuesday) WITH CHRISTINE LEGARDE FROM THE IMF. THIS SEQUESTERED GENIUS WILL SOON BE ADORED FOR HIS CREATIVE WORK. ACTIONS MEAN THINGS. 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Instead, KAP Guru Kaperoni discovered years ago and we have elaborated on many times, a floating currency is the only thing that will work in the real world. But more importantly, this guy is convinced that a value of somewhere around 1.20 per dinar is economically feasible and desirable. Furthermore, he implies that this has been in the governments plan book for over 4 years, as KAP has already explained for the last 4 years In other words, he is confirming. the correct view of the situation while at the same time specifically denying that an RV would work. Finally, as KAP noted, we see that, at least from this writers point of view, the only thing now holding up the implementation of the float is the ISIS situation. It is anyones guess what will be necessary to convince the government to move forward, but it is possible that recovery of Mosul might be sufficient. Only time will tell. post 2 of 2 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: Raise the price of the Iraqi dinar to the fore again Quotes: Some Iraqi economist calls for the government to lift the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar until the rising purchasing power and increasing confidence it represents the sovereignty of Iraq . . Since more than four years and officials in Iraq are talking about a project monetary reform in which to raise the Iraqi currency exchange rate against the dollar so that the new dinar equals 1.2 dinars . . The government is expected to return to the project itself after the end of military operations . This is one of the most positive articles I have read in a long time. The author clearly states that it is not possible to RV in the traditional sense and explains why. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article: Include the introduction of modern irrigation systems Quote: The Ministry of Agriculture to prepare new plans aimed at developing the sector, by increasing production through farmer support modern systems of irrigation legalized. Remember, one of the IMF requirements was to have Iraq diversify their reserves other than just oil. Agriculture is as great an ASSET as is oil and gold. Iraq is following the IMF requirements to the TEE. 2-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni . measures need to be in place for the success of the transition from a fixed rate to a float. Just exactly to what extent is yet to be seen. That being said, I believe once the dinar is internationally convertible worldwide and the CBI is in Article VIII, demand will increase for the dinar . Just the exposure alone to the world financial system should be enough to create some upward movement in the value. 2-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Iraqi TV, via satellite in US, it is reporting in the coming days a mechanism will be activated that will eliminate the US dollar and raise the value of the dinar. Reportedly, PM Abadi on Iraqi TV implying that Maliki may be brought before the courts on a charge of high treason. Also, indicators are now saying Rafidain Bank is preparing customers to do their deposits in dinars, NOT US dollars. 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: The Washington Institute for Trump: Iraq a better partner for the United States How many different ways can you spell DEALS . the US is saying that Iraq is a better partner. realmente. Remember Iraq was given the cold shoulder by many. but now has become a key player and hot potato IMO . it goes on to say that Iraq will become rich. wealthy. and US companies will help level the playing field for them. Time is Up. the BEST is coming. 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Raise the price of the Iraqi dinar to the fore again Seems pretty clear that the authoreconomists want to raise the value gradually like we have stated over and over. The good news is they say they expect it to start once ISIL is gone. Quote: The government is expected to return to the project itself after the end of military operations . 2-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Citizens in Iraq are informing that there is a ban on using the US dollar. supposedly in all provinces Is this the final phase to economic reform and a public release of a revalued currency Time Will Tell. 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru tlar Do you have a guess on a rate I communicate with another guy who believes there is too much dinar out there for much of an increase. Would you agree with that Its only a best guess as to how many dinars are circulating or how much of what they state is actually USD with the equivalency stated in dinars at any one time, because they will never divulge that to the public or even their own citizens. . remember it is not dinar released from the CBI that they have to cover, but rather dinar circulating in Iraq in day to day commerce. The CBI may have released in the upper 30 trillion range but the dinar circulating is much less than that figure. The newspapers and media has always referred to all the dinars released as circulating in Iraq. The dinar you and I hold and the dinar not in Iraq that is other countries and central banks, is not considered circulating in Iraq. 2-21-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Headline: Securities recorded an increase of 308 in the number of shares traded last week (that would be for the ISX). and 130.7 the week before...it would appear the chunky money and investors are feeling more and more secure in their own market place BY THE DAY Thats a week over week volume increase. They know whats coming. I just hope they leave a little meat on the bone for us. It just shows the mood of the private investor - which is good for us. They arent complaining about the worthlessness of their currency - they are slingin that stuff around like a fat kid chasing ice cream cones 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Iraq discuss with the launch of the International Monetary Fund for a new batch of loan Iraq must have been doing some wonderful things to see a new batch of loans being considered dontcha think. 2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Mosul stability security for ALL of the Middle East AND Europe DEALS outside of Iraq with the UK. with China. they are willing to play fair with their currencies. DEALS with Vietnam. Wait. didnrsquot Obama put sanctions on Vietnam Yes . Vietnam sanctions. are only on their currency. They got caught just like China for manipulating their rate. But those sanctions. in about 2 weeks are going to be lifted Their revaluations. will not be like Iraq. IMO. smaller increments. in about 6 phases . DEALS are being made. while the value of the IQD is lowhellipwith countries who are waiting for the IQD to come out. DEALS. whatever you want to call them. was slipped into the formula for the release date of the RV of the IQD. Something is up. because TIME IS UP. All we are doing is waiting for the rate to go up. post 3 of 3 2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Trump says to Abadi. ldquogo to Germany. talk to those in the long-line. tell them to invest in your country. Tell you citizens that the ldquofull assaultrdquo on Mosul will begin this Sunday . rdquo Seven. American bases in Iraq. we (USA) are not going anywhere This is the beginning to the end of ALL OF MOSUL. and IMO. in ABOUT 2 weeks. it could be less. Mosul is being completed at a much faster pace This is the FULL-ON ASSAULT for the MR Monetary Reform . Is it Iraqrsquos choice to wait for Mosul for the RV NohellipItrsquos not Iraqrsquos choice. We (USA) are not the only players in Iraq. IMF, UN, BIS, WB, etc. Iraq has its feet being held to the fire by those involved in the MR. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 2-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On the early dawn on Sunday, something dramatic happened for our investment . DEALS are going on. happening so fast. Out of nowhere. all of these countries want to MAKE DEALS. Security and stability is really the key all over the world right now. and it all starts in IRAQ . If people want to make DEALS. to include China and North Korea. so that things are FAIR. that is astonishing. DEALS are being made for everyone thatrsquos in the LONG-LINE. those that want to play on an even playing field. equal and fair trade. TIME IS UP And thatrsquos why we have DEALS that are being made. DEALS will fatten Iraqrsquos reserves. fuel their future. IMO. over the weekend. these DEALS were triggered off. all from a phone call. The call. Trump to Abadi. A NEW DEAL was born. And thatrsquos probably why we havenrsquot see the MR yet. Trump is a master negotiator. and as a holder of IQD. you should be thrilled about that post 1 of 3. stay tuned 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru firefly I dont have a date nor a rate but one thing is for certain, we are standing on the edge of the precipice. And. IT WILL NOT Be A FREE FLOAT LIKE SOME FOLKS SUGGEST . Those that suggest a free float are not very versed on the laws set up by the IMF and the WB a few years ago. 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article quote: the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states , and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and cente r. Huge step forward to open the doors to the wall of Investors. ITs right out of article 22 of the Investment Law. Article 22: The foreign investor shall enjoy additional privileges in accordance with international agreements signed between Iraq and his country or multilateral international agreements which Iraq has joined. 2-21-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Keywords: cash reserve is reassuring for the next five years Quote: . it has received praise from specialized international organizations, and the reserve is calculated by the Central and the international Monetary Fund does not accurately raises concern for the next five years. Why would Iraqs Central Bank Reserves be considered by not only themselves but the IMF for the next five years. may I say deal. because of what has been agreed upon that perhaps we do not yet see . But what you do see is perhaps not all of the picture. remember boatloads of money coming into Iraq a short while ago. many things doubled . oh but that was a tip of the iceberg. IMO the IMF and others can see the full iceberg and no it is not global warming that is shrinking anything. it is global agreements that in fact are growing the iceberg. and that growth will soon stimulate an explosion that will catch our world as we know it in a shocking but oh so positive surprise . Wait for it. for IMO. the BEST is coming . 2-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is reportedly referencing economic reform with officials discussing raising the dinar to 1.20 to the US dollar. Time Will Tell 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article: Keywords: private banks, their performance distinctive and are satisfied with it Alak came out today punching the media for misreporting. . he is saying. out of 60 private banks only 2 or 3 are not where they should be and they are currently work with them to correct this . . ealier in the week a MP on the finance committee came out with the figure that the CBI reserves are 40 billion dollars and Alak came out today saying that the reserves are 49 billion dollars and that they are well within international accepted standards . In addition they. the reserves cover the local currencies by a large margin. Its important to note that most countries in the world only have enough reserves to cover their currency by 10. Iraq can currently cover their currency by over a 100. 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Proceeded Rasheed Bank, on Monday, activating the e-government citizen complaints for the service of citizens. Iraqi citizens the digital world is coming to a bank near you . get on board and get ready for a wild and wonderful ride. To make this work Iraq has to continue to improve the electricity issues around their country. but rest assured this e-thing is here to stay. welcome to our world. welcome to the big leagues. deals. are done. contracts are done. money is ready honey. just push GO and start collecting. . For this done deal to materialize before our eyes. the BEST is coming and its all about Iraq. and the World. in the still of their night. . let us smile. 2-20-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL LOOKING LIKE GREEN IS A VERY REAL POSSIBILITY LATER THIS WEEK. I EXPECT A MAJOR ACTION TUESDAY OR THURSDAY. WHEN IT OCCURS, WE ARE THERE. I AM LOOKING FOR EXCITING THINGS TO HAPPEN IN MOSUL, AND WITH REGARD TO OUR OWN CURRENCY THIS WEEK. LETS SEE IF THOSE CAN BRING US HOME. 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike . if the market rate drops is that a good thing The market rate, or street, dropping is a good thing . As of today the street rate is 1270-1. The official rate is 1182-1, so theres a spread between the two is 88 dinars, or roughly 7.5. Thats not good enough for the IMF, they want the MCP, or spread, to be 2 or less and hold it for at least 90 days before Iraq can move to Article VIII compliance. In a nutshell, the market rate dropping is a good thing. You can see the Official CBI Dinar rate and the CBI reported Market Rate in the Dinar Guru Resource bar on the left side of this page 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling Whatrsquos the deal with the math with Iraq Take a look at thishelliplook at their economy now. How much oil are they producing compared to how many people they have and the market prices. Now go look before the first gulf war. They are producing more. There are more people in the world buying oil so the whole thing is bigger. B ut their currency is at a tenth of a penny You think thatrsquos the market rate Are you blind This is for the people who are not in this investmenthelliphow blind are you Obviously the currency is artificially held downhellipGo by the math. All the math is there. All the proof is there. You donrsquot need to have doubts. The question is, when is this going to happen Everything I talk about is based on principle..itrsquos the numbershellipItrsquos everything. Fortunately, I didnrsquot come up with those numbers. Guess who came up with those numbers The Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Planning. The parliament. the CBI . Thatrsquos what you need to worry about. 2-20-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states , and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and center . . the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena. BOOM. they are providing assurances, protections and a way in and out for international investors. these are CRITICAL items to the freedom of movement of capital in and out of Iraq. The agreement was signed at the United nations . yes, which BTW. was more than a little shocking to me. It appears the UN is much more involved I imagined. 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru wmawhite Article quote: the signing of the agreement represents an important signal to the international arena that Iraq is committed to all the rules of transparency in international arbitration in case of dispute between the investors and the states, and expressed hope that Iraq is essential to attracting capital and center . This shows that the GOI has been signing agreementsconventions that we never knew about . The GOI has been doing this because they do not require the Parliament consent to do so. HUGE. well as important bilateral and international conventions signed by Iraq and the number of Statesrdquo. And where was this announcement made the United Nations. The agreement was signed at the United nations . 2-20-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: The Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, for his ability to cover Iraqs international obligations as well as foreign trade financing, as he emphasized that the countrys reserves of foreign currency within the international standards . . so how are they able to do this with a program rate. inquiring minds want to know . Big things are coming this week. listen to President Trump. watch what goes on. my glass is running over. and has been since Friday afternoon. cautiously optimistic. And. yes Time is UP. 2-20-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG . much of the expectation weve all had - was directly inspired by Abadi and Alak. They are the ones telling us when they were going to start the project . whatever delay Alak commented on - seems to drawing to a close. the delay - appears to be the handling of Mosul. They expected this done sooner - it wasnt. looks like now it is. Thats the key - AND, I fully expect some very good news coming out of Mosul this coming week. 2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 IMO. there will be good come of this trip in many ways. watch for it. and with President Trumps rousing speech yesterday, it could likely be this week. IMO. if todays window slides by. I can see a window either being stretched. or a new one being opened until the end of this month. or to day. because events are happening so quickly . You arent seeing all of what is happening IMO. what the media reports is only the tip of the iceberg with these meetings again IMO. post 2 of 2 2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Iraqi presence was influential and present through other meetings Observers believe that the Abadi succeeded in marketing the Iraqi issue globally and gain the trust and sympathy of. the participants in the conference leaders . It is my deep opinion that Abadi is meeting with more world leaders on this trip than just about any trip hes made in the last year. something is up. Something is astir with all these meetings. and the kingpin of them all his meeting with VP Pence . IMO he might as well been having a face to face with President Trump. that message being delivered by VP Pence was as good as it coming from Trump himself. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-19-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG ...is HCL land boundries and alotment for oil HCL is (generally) referrred to as The Hydro-Carbon Law - AKA H. C.L. there are several variants. for a true HCL - it is possible they need to solve Article 140 - which will require a truely accurate census. (none of which will happen soon). now - heres the good news. They have managed to side-step this whole issue by regularly codifying something of an HCL agreement in each and every annual budget. since 2015 HCL isnt so much land boundaries as it is - WHO GETS WHAT. in simplest terms. how much each bunch gets. Mas. they have handled it - in more of a technical end around. . always heard no hcl no reval . let me help you - thats bull . 2-19-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 the Iraqis are doing their part well with this last push of Mosul. all is good. the BEST is coming. the feeling Im getting over the battle action in Mosul. plus the kinds of meetings that Abadi is having in Munich. plus the sheer numbers of meetings hes having. add that on top of Trumps HUGE speech yesterday. this plan IMO is coming together. Its been planned for the right moment. and Im thinking its definitely not months away, nor even weeks away . but we all know its the ME. and they drag their feet in the sand. but Trump is a strong businessman who expects that anyone he works with to be prompt, professional, and to get things done. No more lollygagging like weve seen in the past. he knows what is needed and the results it will bring. it all is pointing in a positive way. it is a time to be searching for the nuggets that are thrown out. it may not be heavily announced. in the still of their night. watch for it. 2-19-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Yesterday Mosul went from Medium Done to. Well Done . IMO. 2-19-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Article: Iraq joins the transparency in the arbitration agreement between investors and states Oh wow - they are REALLY BEATING THIS DRUM right now. Once international investment has both and way in and a way out - you can have freedom of movement of capital - AKA TRUE EXCHANGE. then the IQD will be able to move freely as well. They may not be there just yet, but they arent far off. You mean freedom as in some form of FREE MARKET ECONOMY in every sense of the word. 2-19-2017 Newshound Guru loop Investors will not come to Iraq in any meaningful way until they are sure that they can get their initial investments and profits out of Iraq whenever they choose to do so. Investors coming into Iraq is a major part to ensuring that Iraq realizes itrsquos vision of being one of the riches countries in the world. Now for the million dollar question. Is the investment law needed prior to an increase the purchasing power of the dina r IMO. NOT HAVING THE INVESTMENT LAW PASSED WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM AN RV. HOWEVER IT DOES HAVE TO HAPPEN SHORTLY THERE AFTER IF THEY WANT THE WALL OF INVESTMENT CAPITAL TO COME IN A SUPPORT THE MOVE OTHERWISE THEIR ECONOMY MOST LIKELY WOULD FALTER . HUGE PIECE OF NEWS post 2 of 2 2-19-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article: Iraq joined the Convention on the transparency between investors and states Quote: National Investment Commission announced on Wednesday it had signed an agreement on transparency in the arbitration treaty-based investor-State in 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. What is very encouraging about. this article, is that it indicates that some of these international and bilateral agreements have already been signed. Which is right in line with Article 22 of the Investment Law . . this is a very big tell. Why on earth would they even bother with these agreements unless they had every intention of needing them in the near future post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-18-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Article: Iraq joins the Convention on transparency between investors and the States (the vitally important paragraph. ) helliprdquo Iraq has issued a number of legislation that works to protect the investor and capital to do business in the country, at the forefront of investment law number 13 year 2006 and amendments which carries a lot of features and protection for investors, as well as important bilateral and international conventions signed by Iraq and the number of States rdquohellip I dont think I can stress enough - how important this is. . and it may not IMMEDIATELY what your timeline wants are - but it is BIG NEWS. Likely, THE TURNING POINT. Read that last paragraph againhellip (and again) ndash This may be THE NUMBER ONE piece of Dinar News ldquopre-RVrdquo. I have been looking for a couple of important pieces to fall into place, this is one of the top 2 or 3. HANG ON 2-18-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 . Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the Iraqi in Munich Security Conference. What message was VP Pence delivering to Abadi, likely IMO coming straight from President Trump. those are the true nuggets of this trip. will Abadi head back to Baghdad tonight on his own personal red-eye flight. has he been given the green light from the leader of the free world. to step Iraq into a new realm . That is what I watch for. it is coming. IMO. 2-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Up to 45 banks now (handling the dinar). Banks are openly accepting the Iraqi Dinar. As far as Irsquom concerned that makes it International. Even if not International, all we want is for banks over here to accept it. Other currencies started fluctuating this last week and we put that out there. I knew from past experience these are short windows. We are looking good, and feeling good. we wait for the ultimate trip to the bank. I believe we are very close. We are looking for things to unfold any time. We are close enough to know this rodeo is coming to an end, we just donrsquot know when. 2-18-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ALL of these time frames, can Change right now, at the drop of a hat, because of the serious turmoil, chaos and unpredictability being demonstrated in the world today, in what we describe as ldquoThe Perfect Stormrdquo, now happening toward, and reaching a High Spot, the last week of February. However, we STILL see, these time frames playing out, with the highest of probabilities. There are cycles in place, that are powerfully being completed, and we see them happening, RIGHT NOW. If ldquoThe Perfect Stormrdquo gets too severe, especially from Feb. 21 - 26th. it could delay things into MID APRILhellip..but we really donrsquot think, it will. we still think, positive currency movements will take place. In any event, it will be very interesting to see where the Rates are, MID-APRIL, 2017, regardless. post 3 of 3 2-18-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke VIETNAM: Very close, if not at the Same Time Frame (Feb. 26 - Mar. 6, 2017), it is our opinion, based on ALL our indicators, that Vietnam will Officially Print a NEW, significantly increased Dong Rate, which will be applicable country-wide . Then, an ldquoOPTIMUM Exchange Windowrdquo, that will extend into the Late - JUNE time period (FEB. 26 - Late JUNE), of which, yoursquoll have many choices (Notice this is Longer than the Dinar Optimum Exchange Window. OPTIMUM being the key word). This is ALL purely our SPECULATION . based on current circumstances. Wersquore NOT going to speculate about ldquoRatesrdquo, at this time. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 2-18-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke . 2 weeks ago. we said that ldquoThe Perfect Stormrdquo was coming by the very end of February . In our View, this is what is about to take place, from February 21-28, 2017, and is already shaping up right NOW. IRAQ: In our view, and by ALL our indicators, we think Iraq will Officially Print a NEW, significantly increased Dinar Rate, which will be applicable country-wide, between FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 6, 2017 . then, a ldquo6 Week OPTIMUM Exchange Windowrdquo, through to around April 16th will ensue, of which, yoursquoll have many choices. ldquoOPTIMUM, being the key wordrdquo. (Use your discernment). The Middle East ldquoREGIONrdquo will see more than ONE countryrsquos currency significantly increase, simultaneously. This is an Important Trigger: We also see Iraq making a very important announcement publicly amp officially, about ALL of Mosul being ISIS free of control, and Iraqrsquos improved Safety amp Security (with details), on or before February 28, and thus in tandem with the new, official rate. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 2-18-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc AS SOON AS MUNCHKIN MAN (Mr. Mnuchin) WAS SWORN IN HE HAS BEEN PROTECTED FROM THE MEDIA. WHY BECAUSE WHAT HE IS WORKING ON AFFECTS THE DOLLARS VALUE AND THE NEW TAX PLAN THAT IS SOON TO BE ANNOUNCED. WE WILL NEED TO SEE THIS ROLLOUT VERY SOON SINCE ITrsquoS LINKED TO THE NEW BUDGET AND TAXES REMEMBER, LAST WEEK THE U. S. TREASURY CONNECTED THE NEW DIGITAL DOLLAR TO THE DIGITAL DINAR AND YESTERDAY WE SEE THE NEW DIGITAL SWIFT PLATFORM ADMITTING THEY ALREADY CONNECTED TO 60 COUNTRIES WOW THIS PROCESS IS NOW IRREVERSIBLE AND ITrsquoS TIME FOR OUR QUARTERBACK TO TAKE THE FIELD BECAUSE ITrsquoS JUST ABOUT GAME TIME 2-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 MOSUL. IMO. is done enough. it is done enough to put security and stability into the monetary reform. It is SO DONE hellip ACCOMPLISHED. that they said. they will put a BANK on the LEFT SIDE. in MOSUL. The MR is right in front of us. They are very, very close to raising the value. IMO. Iraq is international Itrsquos too obvious. but at a program rate. this is like the Goodyear blimp without helium. 2-17-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling . Do you think President Barak Obama, President George Bush Jr. President Bill Clinton and President Trump and can get together and deem these note this value and then all of a sudden they are worth a buck If you think they can do that and have the power to do that then yoursquoll buy anything. Thatrsquos not how it works. They still have to reduce the note count no matter what. No country in the last 100 years has gone outside those principles. This is very easy to follow. Post 2 of 2 2-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The reason was. the CIPS system . That has superseded the swift system. It was put together to allow wire transfer to occur in as little as 18 sec to 53 sec around the world. attempts. made to integrate the swift system into the CIPS system and make those two systems work parallel with each other in such a way the Swift system can operate at the same speed of the CIPS system. We have that system interrogated approximately 1:30pm EST Thursday . What does that mean . The timing was that system was to switch on in its activation at same time the intake for the Dong at the trial exchanges stopped. It wasnrsquot coincidence. Now we have the ability to do wire transfers all over the world and domestic transfer in the United States at lightning speed without delay, open transparent. The point I am telling you about this is that is to show you how close we are. post 2 of 2 2-17-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling One of the emails I get again and again ishelliprdquo Did George Bush Jr. state that the Iraqi War was going to be paid for and that he brought over a bunch of dinar from Iraq rdquo There are two answers to this. No he did not. And itrsquos not provable . But it has nothing to do with our investment. Absolutely nothing at all . So we want to be as sure as we can about out investmenthellipwhat do you do You go back to parliament. What did parliament say to the IMF that they wanted to do What did they say to the Minister of Finance on what they wanted to do What did the Ministry of Finance say to the Ministry of Planning What did the Ministry of Planning say the the Central Bank of Iraq And then whatrsquos going on with the currency Itrsquos that easy. There is nothing else to ask. Post 1 of 2 2-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We are in good a position that a lot happened to get us to Tuesday and a lot happened to get to us where we are now. A lot has happened the last 24 to 48 hours. What we heard is what we are going to call early exchanges on Vietnamese Dong. A few weeks ago same type thing going on with the dinar. My understanding this is it. The Dinar was done. The Dong was exchangeable at lower rates which I know were 39 cents to 56 cents per Dong. These exchanges went on for 23 hours and 35 minutes. Then they stopped abruptly. the opportunity was a short window today for a reason. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-17-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article: MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017 CBI adopts IBAN system So as we can see, the banks in Iraq ARE prepared. yep just when are they gonna do it Were just going to WAKE UP TO IT. Nobody knows the implementation date but I believe we are closer than we have ever been hoping right after Mosul . I dont believe Mosul is an issue any longer. Mosul will NEVER be 100 secure. Mas. is it secure enough at this juncture to move ahead with the reforms My opinion is YES. It would be real fascinating if the CBI would show a International rate . They will but it may show on the Arabic side 1st IMO. 2-17-2017 Intel Guru Delta The TRUE RATE should show up on the CBI website any day That website. has been empty. the remittance of their auctions and the rate . Sim. itrsquos been empty. The remittances are a wire-transfer. They used to have a manual form. In the past if I wanted to send you 1 million dollars. I would have to fill out this form. give it to the CBI. with 24 hour notice. etc. Now. because of IBAN. for the last 6-7 days. the CBI doesnrsquot have to do things manually anymore. All electronic . Wersquore just waiting for the NEW RATE . Saddam manipulated the numbers. . Dr. Shabibi. he said they that wanted to get around 2.80. The rate. if you go back to the 70rsquos and 80rsquos it was 2.80. 2.80 was planned by Shabibi and the CBI a long time ago. 2-16-2017 Dinar Guru Community News Im saddened to report Newshound Guru Admin Bob passed away suddenly Wednesday . Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. He has been a fixture in the dinar world for a very long time and will truly be missed. The latest guru posts will continue below. 2-16-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Then we have IBAN. IBAN is different than the Swift system although it IS a part of the swift system. All of this is from the CBI Iraq is still not listed on the IBAN site. . Yet the CBI announced which banks will handle the IBAN. So what does that tell you. remember Swift is used between BANKS.. . IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers) is for the PRIVATE SECTOR for international transfers. The fact that banks in Iraq are READY for IBAN excites me intensely. Im sure it also has the contractors and foreign companys excited as well. too many items lining up to ignore . post 2 of 2 2-16-2017 Newshound Guru firefly Article: World Band preconditions reconciliation for supporting Iraq Quote: World Bank regional sources reported that it will grant Iraq its financial support in parallel with the reconciliation project after defeating Daish (ISIS) organization . I mentioned many months ago how important the National Reconciliation Law is to our investment How long will that take Still not transparent but many promises made according to articles that it is just around the corner. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-16-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc LETS FIRST REMIND YOU THAT LAST WEEK THE UST WAS IN IRAQ AND THEY HOOKED UP THE DIGITAL DINAR TO THE DIGITAL DOLLAR. NOW TODAY WE ARE SEEING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DIGITAL DOLLAR WHICH I TOLD YOU WOULD HAVE TO OCCUR PRIOR TO THE EXCHANGE OF ANY DIGITAL ASSET-BACKED CURRENCY TODAY THE DIGITAL DOLLAR IS CONNECTED TO OVER 60 COUNTRIES NOW THAT IS IMPLEMENTATION MY FRIENDS THE FINAL STAGE IS NOW SET TO ROLL. WE HAVE A LOT TO BE EXCITED ABOUT BECAUSE NEXT WILL BE OUR TURN post 2 of 2 2-16-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc Article: The introduction of the new service Swift for innovation in global payments TODAY IS MORE THAN THE ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE NEW DIGITAL SYSTEM . A FEW WEEKS AGO WE SAW A PREVIOUS ARTICLE ON THE NEW DIGITAL SWIFT SYSTEM AND THAT THEY HAD UPGRADED TO THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY. TH EY HAD NOT OFFICIALLY IMPLEMENTED AT THAT TIME BUT TODAY, BOOM IMPLEMENTED. I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING HERE post 1 of 2. stay tuned 2-16-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Remember the article about the AIRLINES They said. donrsquot accept any foreign currency. only the IQD. So. what did we see today in an article It said THEY CANNOT do it. SITA is our programcomputer and SITA will not receive as a form of payment with our existing dinar due to the flux of the dinar. The airlines were TOLD by the CBI and the GOI. This article was a PREMATURE STATEMENT They cannot end using USDrsquos until they raise the value of their currency Their program rate is still in the. SITA system. The only way to stop the problem. is to raise the value. 2-16-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: Parliamentary Finance: The government withdrew its 48 billion cash reserve Now were down to 40 billion in reserves and essentially, nothings changed. I dont see oil prices surging back to 100 a barrel and terrorism is never going away. Iraq needs to course correct now, theres no more time to waste. 2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta A lot of you are looking at the UN Operational Exchange Rates. That has nothing to do with Iraq. Iraq doesnrsquot have to wait until the next UNOP rate date changes. We believe that the budget was passed. and showed up in the Gazette on the 9th. Did you see the budget implemented yet No. What are they waiting for The only time you have to amend the budget is if you changed the rate. YOU SHOULD BE VERY EXCITED The BAS News website. that showed a rate. the newspaper took down those numbers. Where did those numbers come from Software. At that time. they were testing the new rate. We continue to watch for the NEW RATE. that could happen ANY DAY. ANY MINUTE. We believe that in our hearts. this is our month. The TRUE RATE should show up on the CBI website any day post 3 of 3 2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta An article from the IMF. they say that every member nation. when they want to change their rate. the IMF has to know within 30 days of the implementation. These are NOT rumors This is fact from the IMF website. The 30 days give you 3 windows. the 4th the 12th and the 17-19th. so we believe. this week. for Iraq to show the rate. Itrsquos never happened before for them to remove the indicative rate for that long. Where does the indicative rate come from . This indicative rate comes directly from the IMF. they give that to Iraq. . One of the memos that we found talked about the exchange rate. The CBI controls the market price. auctions and cash. The thing that canrsquot control anymore is the TRUE RATE. the CBI. they got the permission. we believe within the last 72 hours. This is NOT rumors This is a fact from the IMF. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 2-16-2017 Intel Guru Delta The CBI and the program rate. what is going on there January 2017 the CBI. all of the sudden the program rate was taken off. January 2, 2017. when auctions started. the spreadsheet. the program rate 1184. and then January 12, 2017. we watched it. they had an auction. the numbers disappeared. the program rate is gone. the spreadsheet. the indicative rate. Why is that significant . Articles from the CBI (long time ago) stated that they couldnrsquot have 2 rates in the same fiscal year. When the CBI and the GOI decide to come up with a TRUE RATE. that must happen in the beginning of their FISCAL YEAR. That should have been the 1st week in January 2017. It didnrsquot happen at that time for whatever reason. They agreed not to postpone. The meeting on January 17 to 19th with the IMF. everyone involved. everyone was there. and we believe that that date was a high possibility of them getting the green light to lift the value. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 2-16-2017 Intel Guru Bluwolf All things already talked about and expected to occur are now. coming into reality. and they will be revealed through a domino effect process, just falling into place one behind the other . As some whom have seen some recent screen rates sort of high, let me informed you that those are just placeholders for all the rates are still floating, but one thing is for sure is that the real rates will be much higher than seen by these folks. The turmoil of political events now in DC are being structured to delay our blessings but the guy with the Golden hair knows of that and is pushing forward. That is where we are folks as we speak. See you at the banks. 2-16-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Article: Rasheed Bank grants loans to citizens of up to 30 million dinars . any thoughts on Rasheed bank starting car loans and buying Us dollars from citizens 1st - why would they loan money in an economy like this - up to. 30,000 USD. 2nd - who would want to get rid of their USD. Seems like a real shift in perception of the IQD value on the street is coming. or at least Rasheed is forecasting one. Iraqi Dinar (IQD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 1, 2017. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the quotconvertquot button. To show Iraqi Dinars and just one other currency click on any other currency. The Iraqi Dinar is the currency in Iraq (IQ, IRQ). The exchange rate for the Iraqi Dinar was last updated on February 26, 2017 from Bloomberg. The IQD conversion factor has 4 significant digits. Other Resources Wikipedia: Iraqi Dinar - History and circulation information. IraqiDinar. org - Trading information including scams, fakes, facts, and analysis. RolClub: Iraqi Dinar Forums - Latest news and discussion from online investors. Currency Conversion Comments exellent website, very easy to use, well done the dinar will return to pre war levels. just hang on. it will be 2016 and we will all be rich. I think Andrew from Australia best summed it up for the sceptics Me personally, I wouldn39t invest in anything without doing my homework This isn39t the first time that this opportunity presented itself Anyone unwilling or unable to wait for this investment to bloom, save your money because the recontruction of Iraq is going to be a time consuming process. The fact that the international community continues to billions into Iraq is a dead give away that something very tasting is brewing over there. (Oil, natural gas soup anyone) It39s surely not out of the kindness of their hearts. You may not like GWB as a president, as wealthy as he is, he can buy new friends. I39ll see all you positive minded investors at the bank T. M. Knox - TMK Investments, LLC I am nervous about my investment in the Dinar. But i too will stick around to see the results. And plan on purchasing even more. Just in case it does go up. I mean what the hell what is 700 if it will make you 1,000,000. Certo. Sir Brady A. Wolfe Where do you buy the Iraqi Dinars I would like to invest but have never done so before. hold on, its coming i believe we are all going to be in shock here in the very near future those friend and coworkers with the to good to be true lines, will all be standing there with the look like a deer caught in the headlights we can all tell them, you snooze you lose as work now becomes optional to those of us that had the brain and balls to recognize and grab a once in a lifetime opportunity. you should all be proud and hang on to what is about to happen this is the dog Long Term Investment Something Like This May Take 10 Years. Hang In There And It Could Be The Best Thing That Ever Happend To Your Checkbook. Tom Ex-Air Force, St. Joseph, Mo I, too, invested in the Iraqi Dinar. I39m not someone who invests a lot. I don39t have the cash to do that. But, I see something that totally makes sense to me. Iraq will come back. I39ve bought 1,125,000 over the last year and a half. I may buy another million in January. Then, it39s a waiting game. It could take a year, five, or 10. I39m willing to wait. Like a previous post said, what39s 700 if you get a million out of it If it turns into nothing, then whatever. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here39s to the waiting game I have a good feeling about it, and I will buy and buy more and more. hard to find history I am trying to find info on the Kuwait dinar, the price during the conflict, and the history of its exchange. The info is hard to come by. Anyone out there who hs this info. This could be a good indicator as to what to expect from the Iraqi dinar. Revalue in December 200 Sources tell me a revalue of Dinar in mid-December. Perhaps as much as 1.47 to 1USD Nervous but a gambler I just arrived to iraq and keep hearing people talk about this topic. I39m a gambling man and i believe good things will come out of this. It39s hard to go down from this price. Live life on the edge and go for it. I39m getting 2 or 3 million. Rolling the dice, my blood is already flowing. Just be patient and let the good times roll. OK, around January and Febuary, 1 Mil in Dinar was worth about 640.00 US dollars, now it is worth 697.00 US dollars, this is not gonna happen overnight and the situation is still unstable, me i39m going to remain optimistic and hope the situation turns for the better. Beaner in the Army why dollar is going down and down look for futher not for pressent if it does, nt work at pressent don, t worried about it everybody looking for bright futer it mean u are going to be milloineior if u spend (1000) keep percashing them best of luck for upcoming futer 1.32 Dec 15th 2006 just heard, but we shall see. (do not buy on a rumor) I have seen many rumors come and go along with many involved have. With all the news I think this one has the most suport what a merry christmas it would be DO NOT GET OUT OF THIS INVESTMENT Dont buy Iraq dinar from quotdirect dinarquot site This site never reply my question. This worse thing is I have paid some money for them via credit card to buy Iraq dinar and never get the it. Beware Don39t do the same mistakes. Shotgunsusie hits the pipe. Take a look here for more of the SGS BS. rolclub under dinar investments. She39s claiming 12-14-2006 for the reval. Please note: She39s been hyping a new date every month. StephanieF - Not really her but I know it will p SGS It Will Only Cost You About 1000.00 Thats Not An Expensive Chance Take a chance, I spend more than when Im in Vegas. Its not like I will be out big money if nothing ever happens. And well there is nothing but oil in that country so I take the chance, you could be able to make a little something. Jimmy F. Fredericksburg, Va IT39S going to pay up. Smart investing takes patience, some time it takes nerve. From banks to governments to we the people are going to see a positive out come here. GOOD FORTUNE TO ALL This site is out of Date Check the central Bank of Iraq and the numbers dont jive form this site. Need to get on top of the game.. Does anyone know what is the total amount of dinars in circulation today as compared with pre-war levels I have 6 million dinars and will purchase 4 million more for a total of 10 million. I feel it will be 5 to 7 years before it takes off. Hang in there where do you buy Iraqi dinar in the U. S. Not a Millionaire Yet Everything takes time. If you payed 700 to 1,000 for a mil in ID thik of it this way. If you bought a lottery ticket and a lotto ticket twice a week and a quick pick lottery every day, are you better off It is a gamble, building a nation. We did it 200 plus years ago and it was not overnight. I know that If I would have done this after we liberated Kuwait I would be rich today. Gary Iraq related War s Vet x3 An investment is a chance, if you buy iraqi dinar, you are taking a chance. I am guessing it will take up to 2 years for you to see a a major profit, 10 ID to 1 USD or better. Question is can you invest your money for that long and wait for your investment to pay off. served and now waiting, Whit Pre War Post War Circulation What is the comparison of pre year 2000 dinar to present circulation. I have purchased dinar as well. Who exchanges them. I have over a million also. but where can you cash them in besides Iraq No banks or exchange companies take them. What about taxes When you get a million US the IRS will want a cut right Help me out plz Hey im new to this site and dont know really whats goin on here. can anyone help me out how much is 25,000 diners converted over to U. S. Currency where can I purchase iraq dinars besides this site I don39t know where I can get some of this currencyAny smart guy can help me What do you have to loose I think if you invest a 1,000 and it bombs then oh well, at least you gave it a try I39ve spent more in one weekend on hookers and nose candy However, if the exchange rate skyrockets then you are literally a Millionaire Even if it only goes up to a meesley 1 exchange rate. Sure it39s a long-term investment, 5 to 10 years maybe longer, big deal. Our government is the result of years of hard work and dedication all dawning from an idea that inspired several individuals long before the signing of our quotDecloration of Independancequot in 1776 over 200 years ago. You would have to be a fool to think Iraq would be able establish the same result in only a few months or years. However, with the US playing a key role in that development it isn39t unrealistic to believe that we could see that change in the not-so-distant future of Iraq. Our US government is directly involved in helping Iraq establish a democarcy. There39s absolutely only one reason why our country would have any interest in some shit hole country in the m quoti see stupid poeplequot and i How do you sell it So say our dreams come true and the dinar is 1 to 1, how do we go about selling it back What about taxes Is our dinars recognized by the us treasury Patience. Maturity, Balls If you don39t have these 3 virtues, then stick to the craps tables. I can see that all the negative comments are from children that quotwant it nowquot. And stop watching the alphabet channels while sucking on your thumbs. Heh. What you people thinking heh.. Getting rich without having to work Heh..
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